Thanksgiving 2021

Psalm 7:17

I will give thanks to the Lord because of his righteousness;
    I will sing the praises of the name of the Lord Most High.

Tomorrow across the nation Americans will come together to celebrate, remember, honor, and give thanks for our blessings, health, family, and friendship in celebration of Thanksgiving. For many, 2021 has been an extension of a continued tumultuous time. and, an extension of our pandemic which has affected so many of our lives. We will gather tomorrow and give blessings for the memories and shared experiences with those whom we have lost, we will ask for healing in the name of our Lord for all those who are ill and fighting the good fight towards recovery, and, we will cherish and revere family and those close friendships which continue to reward us with companionship, happiness, confidence, and renewed energy. 

2021 has been a transformative year in the life of the Armenian Sacred Music Project as we continue to navigate the multi-jurisdictional laws and regulations in providing and establishing resources for sacred music enthusiasts across this country. While difficult, we have had several successes of a newly branded website (https://sacred-music.org0(0%)) and a clear roadmap to our in-person and virtual 2022 classes which will soon be published. I give thanks to the Lord for the bountiful resources and strength he provides me in this endeavor to ensuring the preservation of our sacred music. 

I am pleased to announce that in the coming weeks, a detailed first quarter schedule of our 2022 activities will be published featuring in-person and virtual classes. Further, our partnership with choir directors, universities, and historians continues to blossom across the US and Europe. Many prominent guest lecturers ranging from clergy, professors, historians, and avid aficionados will take part in our forthcoming schedule. I am pleased to announce that all these activities for 2022 will be of no cost. 

On behalf of the Armenian Sacred Music Project, I wish you, and yours, a very Happy Thanksgiving. May the good Lord above continue to grace you with good health, happiness, and love. 

Warm Regards,

Sevag Derderian
